Is Our Better World Today, What Was Envisioned from the Start?
Last month, Our Better World (OBW) turned nine. It has been a decade since the idea of OBW was birthed as the digital storytelling platform of the Singapore International Foundation (SIF). Then, SIF had just turned 20 and a strategic review revealed the opportunity for SIF to leverage the digital space – to tell compelling stories of good, to inspire global communities to come together to collaborate for change. The digital approach would complement SIF’s other programmes which were largely analogue in helping foster stronger people-to-people ties, face to face.
It has been a real privilege, building OBW, from when it was an idea, to what it is today. I am very grateful for the foresight of the Board in supporting this during a time when content marketing was not even a buzzword and for bosses who took a chance on me to steward OBW’s growth. I have no regrets. The past decade has been deeply rewarding and enriching.
When I was in my teens, I had always dreamt of a lifelong career in the tourism industry. Prior to OBW, I enjoyed over a decade pursuing my passion in tourism – including a three-year stint in India which changed my life trajectory and led me to use my skills to impact lives in the non-profit sector.
And what a journey it has been, through the highs and lows, I have been witness to how stories do have the power to shape our better world.
One lady saw our story on child sexual abuse and that convicted her with courage to prosecute her perpetrator who was her uncle, after years of suffering and silence.
Mark, a filmmaker in Malaysia, saw an OBW post on social media and that led him to this photo essay. That compelled him to visit the shelter where many who are infected with HIV live. He befriended Mr Tan who was a resident there. Subsequently, he helped Mr Tan fulfil his decade-long dream to be reunited with his estranged family members.
Geraldine, a psychologist in Singapore, was counselling one of her regular youth clients. He shared with her how he had watched this video online on how two mothers who had lost their sons to suicide were now advocating for youth mental health. He had suicidal thoughts and watching this video gave him pause.
These are just some examples we know of — and there are many we do not know of — where OBW stories have not just raised awareness for causes, corrected misperceptions, triggered compassion and inspired actions to donate or volunteer. OBW stories have also given courage to confront, hope to reconcile and pause to save lives.
At the start, the dream was to unleash the power of stories and the power of digital media to shape culture for a better world. The dream was for OBW, anchored in its values of humility, compassion and authenticity, to become a beloved home-grown global brand that would be Singapore’s contribution in shaping our better world.
So back to the question: Is Our Better World today, what was envisioned from the start?
It definitely is. Today, OBW is on track to fulfil this dream because of the steadfast support we have received from the Board, as well as the team and our community of impact storytellers who are living out these values, bringing out the best in people through stories.
The OBW team members, past and present, have each contributed in their own unique ways, in building OBW to what it is today. Being part of the OBW team has helped me experience what it really means to think more for others and less about myself. I hear from our story subjects on how each one in the OBW team shows care in telling their best stories. I hear from our impact storytellers on how our shared vision for stories to impact lives help us collaborate for the collective good.
I have learnt that when we focus on others and the good we can do together, the “me” becomes less important, and yet becomes the most enriched and fulfilled. I have personally learnt so much from them and they have helped me become a better leader, inspiring me to keep getting better with my work-in-progress self.
In times of crisis such as the global pandemic in the past year, I was deeply heartened by how the OBW team faced challenges head on, locking arms with our impact storytellers in the region, diving into creative and remote storytelling, collectively driven to bring out the best stories of our story subjects to inspire support and hope in such difficult times. The resulting impact has been invaluable and priceless.
These creatively crafted, powerful stories are made possible because of a special breed of impact storytellers we work with in the region. They bring not just their skills, but their heart into each story – creating a safe space for the authentic voices of our story subjects to be heard, not shying away from the realities and pain, yet shining the light on the hope and redeeming solutions, making it relatable so that others can come alongside to support our story subjects to impact more lives.
You can see how OBW has become more than a job for me. This has become a personal mission. This is both good and bad. It is good because I get to wake up each day, doing what I believe in. It is bad because it can be all-consuming. COVID-19 has shaken the world and my world. It has been a good teacher to me – I started to see the bigger picture of my life beyond OBW and seeing beyond myself leading OBW. The season in OBW has inspired new dreams in me. My stint in India changed my life trajectory and now OBW has given me clarity to the next phase of my life.
A deeply fulfilling chapter has closed. An exciting new chapter opens. I am taking time off work to study a Masters in Counselling and explore opportunities in Community Living.
I am so thankful that I am passing on the baton to Jeremy. Not only has he been such a keen follower and admirer of OBW over the years, but he brings a unique mix of heart, skills and drive to OBW’s next phase of growth. Under his new leadership, I am optimistic and hopeful that OBW’s influence will grow from strength to strength, rallying a growing regional community to catalyse more stories of good to flood the online space, inspiring more people to take action for a better world.
OBW will always occupy a special place in my heart and I now take on my new role as OBW’s cheerleader and champion!