Does Saying ‘Breast’ Actually Make You Feel Shy?

How do you talk about breast cancer when you can't talk about breasts?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Singapore, yet breast is a word that people commonly avoid.

The Singapore Breast Cancer Foundation is encouraging people to open up on the topic of Breast cancer by first saying the word breast.

Get involved in Say #BreastSaveLives to make breast cancer something that everyone can, and does, talk about.

Update: The Say #BreastSaveLives campaign has ended. Find out more about Breast Cancer Foundation's other campaigns here.

About Breast Cancer Foundation

Breast Cancer Foundation is a non-profit organisation set up in 1997 to raise awareness about breast cancer and support survivors and their families. It also advocates early screening for the disease; on average, it funds mammograms for 8,000 low-income women annually.



Ashima Thomas

Filmmaker & Video Editor

Anshul Tiwari

Executive Producer

Denise Oliveiro